Convert GoPro Videos for Premiere Pro – Is It Necessary?

Convert GoPro Videos for Premiere Pro – Is It Necessary?

Do you have to convert your GoPro files before editing them, or can you just use your videos straight from the camera? That seems to be the mystery of the day! And I’ll be honest… I have never converted GoPro clips before editing in Premiere Pro, but since I see this question pop up a lot,…

Splice Video Editor by GoPro – Video Editing App
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Splice Video Editor by GoPro – Video Editing App

Before, I have shown you how to use the Quik app that GoPro acquired (it used to be called Replay) that automatically edits video footage from your phone or your GoPro and it does it all right in the mobile app on your phone. However, the Splice video editor is VERY different because you have…

5+ Reasons Why Editing GoPro Videos with iMovie is a Great Idea

5+ Reasons Why Editing GoPro Videos with iMovie is a Great Idea

If you’re a Mac user, you might be wondering about editing GoPro videos with iMovie. Is it possible? Is it a good idea? Spoiler alert: the answer is YES! And in this post,  I’m going to cover 5 (plus!) reasons why I think it’s an excellent idea to edit GoPro videos with iMovie.